Code your Next Project.
By Yourself.

Learn everything you need to write, deploy, and improve software applications.

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Launch your business on your own.

It's as simple as a decision to get started.

Never Coded Before? Not a problem.

From walking to reading, every skill takes time to acquire. Coding software isn't different. Time and effort is all you need and we're here show you the way by:

Build real projects built step-by-step.

Technology has made the 21st century, the century of the entrepreneur. Thanks to the power of the internet, you can reach a global audience in minutes.

If you're starting (or have started) a business in today's tech driven economy, then you need to understand the code that's driving your business.

Imagine asking others to create your software but you've no idea how it works?

Imagine not knowing the time and effort involved in realizing your idea?

Imagine having an incredible idea but you don't have the skills to get it started?

CFE Testimonial 4

Top Down, Not Bottom Up

Our approach is simple and the opposite of how school typically works.

Build something real first, then uncover why each piece works the way it does.

And not the other way around.

You see, this method allows you to start to gain confidence as well as helps you formulate questions like:

"How do I save a form without the page reloading?"


"How can I scrape this webpage every day to track changes?"


"How do I save this data to a group of users?"

CFE Testimonial 1

Questions build a deeper understanding

because they force you to think in a different way.

Your public questions will force you to be clear and often solve themselves for that very same reason. This statement, of course, won't make sense until it happens to you.

It's often that questions are more important answers.

CFE Testimonial 2

Coding is Ideas in Action 24/7/365

And it's is extremely logical. Take Python for example - it reads just like the English language less a couple of odd characters (if it doesn't now, it will soon):

# Python & Django View Function 
def cart_update(request):
    product_id = request.POST.get('product_id')
    if product_id is not None:
            product_obj = Product.objects.get(id=product_id)
        except Product.DoesNotExist:
            return redirect("cart:home")
        cart_obj, new_obj = Cart.objects.new_or_get(request)
        if product_obj in cart_obj.products.all():
            added = False
            added = True
        request.session['cart_items'] = cart_obj.products.count()
        if request.is_ajax(): # Asynchronous JavaScript Handling
            print("Ajax request")
            json_data = {
                "added": added,
                "removed": not added,
                "cartItemCount": cart_obj.products.count()
            return JsonResponse(json_data, status=200) # HttpResponse
            # Add Django Rest Framework? 
    return redirect("cart:home")

Can you read it? Sure you can. Do you understand it? Not yet... But you will.

FAQ Doubters Read This

1. I am not technical at all, are you sure I should enroll to Coding For Entrepreneurs?

There was a time you didn't know how to read, or write, or speak, or walk, or... I believe you are not technical because you didn't take the time to learn through the hard times OR because you haven't even tried OR the class you took, started with the wrong things.

Coding For Entrepreneurs has a growing community to help you through the tough times, our team will help, the code/software community is incredibly helpful and open, and often times a simple web search will solve your problem. Getting help is easier than EVER and often comes for free.

So yes. You should enroll.

2. Why don't I just find a partner or hire a developer?

Coding software is about breaking your ideas into rules or steps that a computer can follow. If you don't know how to write these rules or be clear about writing them, a lot (I mean a lot) of time, money, and resources can be wasted.
You don't know what you don't know. Restaurant owners might be able to hire chefs to cook food for them, but if you've never eaten food, how would you know you have a good chef or if your food is good? This question becomes much more difficult to answer once your project starts to scale.

Learning to code is learning to think systemically, logically, and clearly. Being able to code means you'll be able to test ideas rapidly to focus on the things you want to build.

3. Why don't I just use Wordpress or another platform?

This is like asking a chef why he doesn't follow someone else's recipe. The other recipe might be fantastic... but it's still following a recipe. A true chef creates. A cook follows. Using a platform can be great...but to truly innovate, you need to know how to do it yourself.

Another way to think of this is how rapidly technology can change. If you can't adapt to radical technology change, you'll be trying to run a fast food joint over a single outdoor campfire.

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